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Voice Recognition

Commack School District

Excellence in Education

Rights of Homeless Students

Rights of Homeless Students

Schools are required to notify parents of homeless children (and unaccompanied youth) of the following rights:

· The availability of a local district staff person as a liaison for homeless children.

· Immediate enrollment and school participation, even if educational and medical records and proof of residency are not available.

· The availability of educational opportunities and related opportunities for homeless students (preschool to age 21), including unaccompanied youth.

· Enrollment and transportation rights, including transportation to the school of origin. “School of origin” is defined as the school the child attended when permanently housed or when last enrolled.

· Written explanation of why a homeless child is placed other than in a school of origin or school requested by the parent, with the right to appeal within the local dispute resolution process.

· Meaningful opportunities for parents to participate in the education of their children.

New York State Rights of Homeless Students Website

McKinney-Vento Homeless Liaison:
Michael Inforna
(631) 912-2076

Foster Care Liaison

Foster Care Liaison:
Michael Inforna
(631) 912-2076