Rolling Hills Students Create eBook Focusing on Self-Esteem

Computer technology assistant Michele Condello and school social worker Tricia Sonsire collaborated with Rolling Hills students to create an eBook using Book Creator.
After watching the short video Boundin', Sonsire led a discussion on resiliency and the importance of bouncing back from challenging situations. The students then completed a worksheet, reflecting on how they believe in themselves and can overcome obstacles.
Using the Book Creator program, Condello helped the students capture selfies and share why they believe in their own abilities.
Boundin’ is a story about a sheep who loves its wool coat so much that it dances with joy. Its exuberant dancing inspires the other animals to join in.
However, disaster strikes when the sheep-shearers arrive and take away the coat, leaving the sheep feeling ashamed and without self-esteem.
The other animals laugh, and the sheep becomes too shy to dance.
Just when they’re feeling down, they encounter a jackalope, who teaches them the art of “bounding” — the idea that bouncing back from hardship is even better than dancing.
The jackalope shows the sheep that it’s not about staying down when you fall, but about getting back up and finding joy even when things aren’t perfect.
The sheep tries bounding, and it restores their confidence and happiness.
Though their wool eventually grows back and is sheared again, this time they remain unshaken. They continue to "bound," embracing resilience, joy, and the power of bouncing back from life’s challenges.